Research groups
- AERSTRU - Aerospace structures
- ANALISIRISCHIO - Risk analysis in the process industry
- APTLAB - Advanced Particle Technology Laboratory
- AT - High Voltage
- BETALAB - Building Energy & Technology Assessment Research group
- BIAMET - Biomedical applications of multiscale engineering technologies
- BIERLAB - Bioprocess Engineering Research Lab
- BIOERA - Biological engineering: research and applications
- BIOINGCHIM - Chemical bioengineering
- BIOMEC - Mechanical bioengineering
- CAPELAB - Computer-aided process engineering
- CERAMGLASS - Advanced ceramics and glasses
- CHEMAMSE - Chemistry of the Materials for the Metamorphosis and the storage of energy
- CHEMTEC - Chemistry and technology of organometallic compounds
- CO2 - Capture and use of carbon dioxide
- COMS - Computational Materials Science
- CONDTERM - Thermal conductivity
- COSTRMAC - Machine design
- EDLAB - Electric Drives Laboratory
- EESCOLAB - Electrochemical energy storage and conversion laboratory
- ELECTRALAB - Electroheat Research & Applications
- FLIGHTDS - Flight dynamics and space systems
- FLUMS - Modeling and simulation for fluid mechanics
- FOTOMETRIA - Photometry and Light Engineering Laboratory
- FUSIONE - Fusion research
- GREEN - Energy economics
- GRIMP - Metallurgical Engineering Research Group
- HYMAT - Hybrid Materials
- IED - Design and methods of industrial engineering
- KINNLAB - Kinetics innovation
- LABHEATMG - Heat transmission in micro geometries
- LABME - Electric machines
- LASA - Laboratory of Environmental Systems Analysis & Management
- MARTES - Modeling, analysis and research for turbomachinery and energy systems
- ME - Management and Entrepreneurship
- MEMOS - Multiphysics and Electromagnetic Modelling, Optimization and Simulation Group
- MEMSEMC - Micro / nano devices and EMC
- MMSA - Mechanism and Machine Science and Applications
- MTS - Space measurements and technologies
- NANOENG - Nanomaterials Engineering group
- PARLAB - Microalgae
- PEG - Polymer engineering group
- PROPAS - Aerospace propulsion
- SAM - Sustainability assessment and management
- SEAV - Electric systems for automation and vehicles
- SEE - Electrical systems for energy
- SINDONE - Mechanical analysis on the Shroud
- STET - Sustainable Thermal Energy Technologies
- SUPERUNIT - Superunit
- TECNO - Precision manufacturing group
- TEMPEST - Theoretical and Experimental Methods for design, Performance Evaluation and Simulation of Turbomachinery
- TES - Turbomachinery and Energy Systems Group