Personale docente

Basilio Lenzo
Professore associato
Indirizzo: VIA VENEZIA, 1 - PADOVA . . .
Telefono: 0498276813
Orari di ricevimento
- Please email me and we will arrange a suitable time to meet.
Basilio Lenzo received the M.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Pisa (110/110 cum laude, thesis at Ferrari F1) and Sant’Anna University (100/100 cum laude, thesis at Ecole Normale Superiéure de Cachan Paris), in 2010.
He received his Ph.D. degree in robotics (100/100 cum laude) from Sant’Anna University, Pisa, Italy, in 2013.
In 2010, he was an R&D Intern with Ferrari F1. In 2013, he was a Visiting Researcher at the University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA, and Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
In 2013, he was appointed as a Research Fellow with Sant'Anna University, where he worked on kinematics and dynamics of robotic mechanisms.
In 2013 he was awarded the Marzotto "Future business award" providing 250000 Euro for a robotics startup developed at PercRo (Perceptual Robotics Laboratory, Sant'Anna University). In 2014 he won the Bernardo Nobile PhD award for the best PhD thesis resulting in a patent application.
From 2015 to September 2016, he was a Research Fellow with the Centre for Automotive Engineering, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K. His research activity was focused on vehicle dynamics and control of a fully electric vehicle demonstrator within the European Project iCOMPOSE, dealing with development of vehicle simulation models and state-of-the-art controllers for vehicle dynamics and energy management, and experimental assessments of the performance of the developed controllers on rolling road facilities and proving grounds.
In 2015, he obtained the MIT Young Innovators Under 35 Italy award. He was also invited to give a TED talk at TEDxBergamo2015.
From 2016 to 2021, he was a Senior Lecturer in Automotive Engineering with Sheffield Hallam University (equivalent to the Italian “Professore Associato” according to the national law DM 662/2016). While carrying on his research on torque vectoring/direct yaw moment control, he began working on state estimators for passenger vehicles. The motivation is that the availability of reliable estimators for key vehicle states (e.g. sideslip angle) can lead to devise advanced vehicle safety systems – evolutions of, e.g., the well-known Electronic Stability Control – that, in turn, can significantly increase passenger safety and help to bring about autonomous vehicles. He was recipient of a number of travel grants (e.g. “Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists” from the German institution DAAD) which allowed him to spend some time as a visiting researcher at leading institutions such as Politecnico di Torino, the German Aerospace Center and the University of Naples. He was invited to give a TED talk at TEDxSheffieldHallamUniversity2019:
In 2021 Basilio joined the University of Padova as a recipient of the Italian brain-(re)gain program entitled to Rita Levi Montalcini. In 2021-22 he was a visiting professor at Stanford University (USA) - within the prestigious "Fulbright" program - where he implemented and experimentally tested torque vectoring techniques for autonomous drifting on a modified 1981 DeLorean.
He is a member of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE Transportation Electrification Community, IAVSD (International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics), IAENG (International Association of Engineers).
Further details:
Area di ricerca
Main topics: i) Vehicle dynamics; ii) state estimation; iii) robotics.
More details:
i) Vehicle modelling, vehicle control, tyre modelling, torque vectoring, direct yaw moment control, electric vehicles, energy efficiency
ii) Sideslip angle estimation, observers, Kalman Filters and variants, particle filters, kinematic and dynamic filters for vehicle state estimation
iii) Gravity balancing, kinematics and dynamics of manipulators and exoskeletons
Tesi proposte
- Modellistica di dettaglio della dinamica di un autoveicolo
- Studio e analisi delle Maps of Achievable Performance (MAPs) di un autoveicolo
- Tecniche di torque-vectoring / direct yaw moment control per il miglioramento della sicurezza e del piacere di guida
- Tecniche di Model Predictive Control (MPC) per il controllo della dinamica del veicolo
- Identificazione del coefficiente di attrito ruota-strada
- Studio su stimatori dell'angolo di assetto di tipo cinematico e dinamico
- Filtri particellari per la stima dell'angolo di assetto di un autoveicolo
- Reti neurali per la stima dell'angolo di assetto di un autoveicolo
- Stima in tempo reale di stato del veicolo e parametri dello pneumatico e problematiche di osservabilità
Per discutere la possibilità di svolgere una delle tesi proposte o chiedere chiarimenti, contattare il docente via email.
- Advanced vehicle dynamics modelling
- Torque-vectoring / direct yaw moment control techniques for the enhancement of vehicle safety and fun-to-drive
- Identification of the tyre-road friction coefficient
- Vehicle sideslip angle estimators: kinematic and dynamic approaches
- Particle filters for estimating vehicle sideslip angle
- Neural networks for estimating vehicle sideslip angle
- Real-time estimation of vehicle states and tyre parameters, including observability analyses
To discuss whether to go ahead with one of the proposed topics, or for any inquiries, just email me.