Access to DII
The access to all the Department rooms and premises is regulated by the “Access Regulations” available here
OPENING TIMES of the Padua premises
The regular access and opening times of the DII premises are the following:
Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 17:00
Further info in access restrictions and badge activation pages.
The request for access to the Department must be submitted exclusively through the provided online "Access request" procedure.
You can start this procedure either via Single Sign On or by using the password you received by e-mail (subject to prior registration).
ACCESS FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
D: I am a new regular or guest. What shall I do to have access to the Department areas related to my activity (offices, laboratories, workshops)?
R: You must submit the on-line request for access to the Department, by clicking on the button "Access request" or visiting page
D: What are the Department opening times?
R: The access and opening times can be found here
D: I am a foreign regular and I have neither a / account nor an Italian tax code. How can I register in the Persone DII system to get a password and submit my access request?
R: Enter your Italian Tax Code. If you haven’t got it, you can calculate it automatically with the help of some specific websites: search for “calcolo codice fiscale stranieri” (i.e. Attention: to calculate your Italian Tax Code, enter your Country of birth as “Place of birth”, in italian.
D: I have submitted my on-line request for access to the Department, but I haven’t received any confirmation. What shall I do?
R: Access your Personal Dashboard and check the approval status of the request (e.g. awaiting approval by the reference teacher, awaiting approval by the Director). In any case, once the access request has been approved and the latest formalities completed by the competent offices, you will be sent a confirmation email.
D: I have submitted my on-line request for access to the Department and I have received the confirmation e-mail. What shall I do now?
R: You can find the necessary information in your confirmation e-mail. In your Personal Dashboard you can check the status of activation of the different services provided by the DII offices, as well as find other information. If you have NO / account, access your Personal Dashboard via Login without Single Sign On
D: I am an already authorized user. My access to DII expires in a few days but immediately afterwards a new collaboration with the Department begins. How can I extend the validity of my authorization?
R: If you start a new collaboration with DII (e.g. a new research grant or a new collaboration agreement) you cannot extend the current access but you must make a request for a new access. You can request a new access via the menu "Requests -> Request for new access" at the top right of your personal dashboard. If your access has already expired, you can submit a new access request by accessing the access procedure at the link:
D: I am an already authorized user. My access to DII expires in a few days but I need to extend access to finish the activity. How do I go about extending my current access?
R: Only some types of users (e.g. PHD students, students during thesis, some types of collaboration) have the option to extend the currently active access. You can request the extension of the current access through the menu "Requests -> Request for extension" at the top right of your personal dashboard. If the extension request item is not present, it means that there is no possibility to request the extension for your type of user. If your access has already expired, you no longer have the possibility to request the extension. If for any reason you are unable to apply for an extension, consider applying for a new access (through the procedure for accessing the at link:
D: I am an already authorized user and I need to change some information in my dashboard (e.g. telephone number, teacher of references, wrong first or last name). How do I go about changing this information?
R: You can change some data yourself by clicking on the button [Modify personal data] in the section "PERSONAL DATA" in your dashboard. For data that you cannot edit on your own, open a ticket in the DII Helpdesk in the section “SERVIZI INFORMATICI::8 Persone DII” asking for its modification.
D: I am an already authorized user, but I have to modify my e-mail address (i.e. activation of a University account or shift from to or vice versa). What shall I do?
R: Access your Personal Dashboard by using the correct account: it will be updated automatically. Attention: if you used IT services (access to your pc, network printers, etc.) with your old account, send a request to the DII Helpdesk, section “SERVIZI INFORMATICI::1 Account e servizi di rete”, asking for the services update with your new account.
D: In the authorization request procedure, I made a mistake in selecting the laboratories. How can I correct them?
- if your request for access to the DII still has to be approved by the contact person, you can log in to the system ( and click on the button [Riapertura del modulo / Correct data in the form] to go back and select the correct laboratories;
- if your request for access to the DII has yet been approved by the contact person but still has to be concluded, you cannot reopen the form any more; you have to wait for it to finish and then apply for correction of the authorized laboratories (see next point);
- if you have active access, you can request the modification/integration of the authorized laboratories through the menu "Requests -> Request for modification of labs" at the top right of your personal dashboard;
D: I must take the safety tests for access to the laboratories, but I have no / account. How can I access the tests?
R: During the Access procedure you will find links to the Training page for access to the laboratories; you will be able to access the courses with the credentials issued by the Environment and Safety Sector, through the procedure described on the "Corsi online di formazione in materia di sicurezza sul lavoro" page, under the heading "Accesso alla formazione di soggetti non in possesso di SSO".
D: I have already taken the safety tests for access to the laboratories, but I have lost my certificates. Where can I find them?
R: Contact the Environment and Safety Office (, that will send you your certificates.
D: I haven’t got the University badge yet or I have lost it. What shall I do?
- if you have got an identification number, that is you are a Professor, technical and administrative staff, Ph.D. student, temporary research fellow, Post-graduate student, student, contact the University Service in charge of category (see Badge page);
- if you have NO identification number (that is you are a grant beneficiary, collaborator, guest, etc.), contact the Technical Office of your working place (Via Gradenigo, Via Marzolo or Via Venezia), only after your access has been authorized via the on-line procedure.
D: I have been authorized access to the Department, but my badge won’t let me into the areas related to my activity.
- if you have got a / account, send a request to the DII Helpdesk, section "SERVIZI TECNICI E SICUREZZA::3 Sistema controllo accessi (badge);
- if you have NO / account, contact the Technical Office of your working place (Via Gradenigo, Via Marzolo or Via Venezia).
IT Services
D: I have been authorized access to the Department. How can I connect to the Department wi-fi network?
- if you have got a / account, you can connect to the Eduroam wi-fi network
- if you have an account of a company / institution member of Eduroam, you can connect to the Eduroam wi-fi network
- if you have NO / account, ask the computer technician of your working place for your user credentials.
D: I have been authorized access to the Department. How can I use the Department network printers?
- if you have got a / account, you are already allowed to use them. Just link your badge to the printers: instructions
- if you have NO / account, ask the computer technician of your working place for your user credentials and then follow the instructions
D: I have been authorized access to the Department. How can I connect to the Department computers (i.e. laboratory computers)?
- if you have got a / account, you are already allowed to access using your Single Sign On user credentials (username + or
- if you have NO / account, ask the computer technician of your working place for your user credentials.