PRIN 2017 / Stefania Bruschi
Acronimo: BIONIC
Titolo: Surface functionalization to improve tribo-corrosion performances of metal implants through advanced machining operations
Responsabile scientifico: Prof.ssa Stefania BRUSCHI - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale-Università' degli Studi di PADOVA
Coordinatore: Università della CALABRIA
Bando: Prin 2017 - Decreto Direttoriale n. 3728 del 27 dicembre2017
Durata: 15/09/2019 - 15/09/2022 (36 mesi)
Budget totale progetto: € 648.900,00
Partern-Unità di ricerca: Università di Salerno, Politecnico di TORINO - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale-Università' degli Studi di PADOVA
Abstract del progetto
Generally, orthopaedic prostheses, especially the permanent ones, need to be revised as a consequence of wear, corrosion and oxidation, which all initiate at the implant surface and may lead to leakage of ions dangerous for the human body. On the other hand, implants made of biodegradable metals, especially magnesium alloys, have attracted increasing interest in the last two decades, being one of their major advantages the avoidance of follow-up surgery to remove the implant if the tissue has sufficiently healed. In both cases, permanent and biodegradable implants, the surface conditions play a key role on the prostheses overall mechanical and tribo-chemical performances. Consequently, the surfaces of biomedical implants need to be improved. In this context, the BIONIC - Surface functionalization to improve triBo-corrosIOn performaNces of metal Implants through advanCed machining operations - project deals with novel and sustainable combined processing methods based on machining finishing operations coupled with environmentally friendly lubri-cooling techniques to improve the surface integrity of biomedical devices in order to increase their quality, durability and reliability.