PRIN 2017 / Roberto Turri

Titolo: Planning and flexible operation of micro-grids with generation, storage and demand control as a support to sustainable and efficient electrical power systems: regulatory aspects, modelling and experimental validation.
Responsabile scientifico: Prof. Roberto TURRI - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale- Università degli Studi di PADOVA
Coordinatore: Università degli Studi di BOLOGNA
Bando: Prin 2017- Decreto Direttoriale n. 3728 del 27 dicembre2017
Durata: 27/01/2020 - 27/01/2023 (36 mesi)
Budget totale progetto: € 992.189,00
Partner-Unità di ricerca: Politecnico di BARI, Politecnico di MILANO, Università degli Studi di GENOVA, Università degli Studi di CAGLIARI, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale-Università degli Studi di PADOVA

Abstract del progetto

The project aims at making full use of the still unexploited potential that smart districts, smart building/homes and micro-grids (MGs) have in terms of achieving an overall more flexible energy demand. The smart districts of interest include the presence of electric vehicle recharging stations, of buildings with thermal and electrical storage as well as of thermal and electrical controlled loads that can therefore allow for flexible demand control. The two following issues, which are nowadays of fundamental relevance for sustainable energy systems and smart districts, will be addressed:

  1. Advanced planning and management of energy efficient microgrids, smart homes/buildings/districts, characterized by energy (electrical and thermal) demand flexibility as a potential support for the national power system.
  2. Regulatory aspects aimed at fostering such a potential support of smart grids/districts to the power system operation, with particular reference to their inclusion in the foreseen 'flexibility' electricity market.

In particular, the project will develop technological solutions aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of the nano/microgrids and at enabling and exploiting their flexibility. They will consist of innovative Planning Tools, advanced Distribution Management Systems (DMS), and Building Management Systems (BMS). These technological solutions will be thoroughly validated by means of some test facilities available at some partners laboratories.