PRIN 2022 / Ghiotti


Titolo: Finalizing processes for multi-material based Functionally Graded billets and wires obtained through solid state recycling operations of aluminum alloy chips
Responsabile scientifico: prof. Andrea GHIOTTI- Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale-Università degli Studi di PADOVA
Coordinatore: prof. Livan FRATINI – Università degli Studi di PALERMO
Partern-Unità di ricerca: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale-Università degli Studi di PADOVA
Bando: PRIN 2022 - Decreto Direttoriale n. 104 del 02-02-2022
Durata: 28/09/2023 – 27/09/2025 (24 mesi)
Budget totale progetto: € 239.126,00

Abstract del progetto

Primary materials production accounts for a large part of CO2 emissions with respect to secondary production. Additionally, solid state recycling allows for low energy consumption and high product efficiency with respect to melting based processes. Friction Stir Extrusion and Friction Stir Consolidation are innovative and promising solid state recycling processes capable to directly recycle machining chips into solid products. However, these processes do not allow the production of market-ready parts, as, typically, wires, rods and small billets can be recycled. Apart from the direct use of the wires for electrical applications, post recycling forming processes must be carried out to obtain net-shape or near net shape parts and to increase, in this way, the utilization of these process fully exploiting the enormous potential in terms of energy and cost saving and parts quality. The FULL RECYCLE project is focused on the development of an integrated approach for combining solid state recycling processes of metal chips, i.e. FSC and FSE, and post recycling forming processes based on Severe Plastic Deformation, and to implement such manufacturing approach into cost-effective and actively robust manufacturing routes assuring zero defects, with high quality and productivity rates resulting in minimized overall consumption of material and energy resources. It is noted that severe plastic deformation processes, by nature, allow the production of parts characterized by fine grain microstructure and elevated mechanical properties. In this way, they can be considered as the ideal “next chain link” after SSR recycling processes in the manufacturing route of high-quality parts. Light alloys used for structural applications will be considered, i.e. aluminum and/or magnesium alloys. Additionally, the potential of these SSR processes to produce Functionally Graded Materials will be fully exploited. In this way, the evolution from recycling techniques, i.e. recovering materials at the end of product life, returning them into the supply chain, towards the concept of Upcycling technique, i.e. to create a product of higher quality or value than the original, can be achieved.